The Punks had to go on a hunt to find the things that were stolen out of our guild hall! After minutes of hard searching we were able to find clues! Blonde hair, a joint, and a can of redbull! There was only one culprit that could be behind this: Jess!
The Punks tracked her down and found that her and Crash had been behind it all! There they spilled the beans and told us they had built us an entirely new Guild Hall! Everyone's pure rage turned into astonishment as they saw the work they put into Seaveil Spire!

After everyone put down their ropes and pitchforks, the Punks sat down and began their Infernal Assembly!
We have had some promotions this month!
Velvet has made guardian!
Shrimp has made guardian!
Philamina has made champion!
Banana's Hodor Icon has now been completed and anyone with the Hodor Reflexes Add-on is now able to view her fishy banana icon!
Past Events:
Captain Contest - Banana (Shrimp 1st place, Wump 2nd)
Dungeon Gear farming - Umi
Volcanic Vent Vanquishers - Syrena
Public Dungeon runs - Sean
Kitty Cat Grind - Banana (made 450k for guild)
Skyshard Run (Glenumbra) - Jess
Telvanni Peninsula Zone quests - Kionney
Normal nSE trial - Kionney
Blue Spider mount grind - Alowana
vHRC run - Velvet
vHRC HM run - Velvet (Alo, Woz, Shrimp, Xio, Grumpy’s first time clearing it) sadly they vote kicked wump
Survey/Treasure map clearing - Banana
nDSR - Shrimp
Harvest Run - Syrena
IC Telvar Run - Shrimp
IC No-CP telvar grind - Shrimp
Telvanni Fishing grind - Banana
vAS - Umi
Transmute Tuesday - Wumpy
Telvanni Fishing - Banana
Skyshard clear in Stormhaven - Jess
Fungal Grotto I prog - Umi
Treasure/Survey clearing - Banana
vAA run - Velvet (first clear for shrimp, florqt, Jess, Alowana, Toomba
Special Trial Run - Kionney
Stickerbook grind - Kionney
vHOF Progs - Finally complete!
Guar Stomp Emote grind 1 - Banana
Guar Stomp Emote grind 2 - Banana
Craglorn bosses - Jess
World Boss hunting (craglorn) - Banana
vDSR run - Shrimp (first clears by Stitch, Royal and Deceit)
vCR0 run - Velvet
Guar Stomp Emote grind 3 - Banana
Bastion Nymic runs - Kionney
Dungeon Story Stroll (Darkshade Caverns I & II) - Syrena
Scrying Event - Banana & Kionney
Necrom Daily Quests - Jess
vSS - Crash (Philamina and Flor's first time clearing)
Leading hunting - Alowana
Umi and Scooter got married - Umi
vCR+0 run - Velvet (first clear for Jess, Philamina, Deceit, Flor)
Here Fishy Fishy - Crash (2 million raised for the guild)
Story Stroll Darkshade Caverns I &II - Syrena
Telvar Runs - Shrimp
vDSR trial - Shrimp
Upcoming Events:
2 year guild anniversary - wear your tabards!
What are some of the notable achievements that people have done this month?
Alowana – Enjoying the new Chapter Release
Grumpy – Fishing in Telvania
JediGrindTricks – Being apart of the Infernal Punks
Philamina – Killed all of the Crag bosses and enjoying scrying and doing trials
SeanDUrban – working through dungeon achievements
Spoon – Multi- vHof clears
Umi – Got to 200 CP
BananaFish – Got a few people their Guar Stomp and hanging out with the punks
Kionney – Depth Mount and light store
Shrimp – dying in lava in no death run
SlayerSyrena – Fishing in new Zone and enough Gold recipe to earn over 10 million gold
Crash – surviving Covid
Jess – finishing Vet Cloudrest
Wumpy –getting trifecta for Graven deep
Deceit – Finished over 200 achievements in game
MoonlightSegal – lost controller so didn’t get to play much…
Scoot84 – Got released from Dr. from crushing his hand in hydraulic press in Feburary – Band of Torn at 280 CP
XiokroDarc – Doing twins on vDSR, Cyrodil bomb play.
Magoda – Finishing his DPS set..
Philamina BOB – First Time healing Trail
Special Thanks:
Ummi - 1 million
Alo - 2 million
Velvet - 3 million
Shrimp - 3 million & 100 mundane runes for the guild hall furnishings.
Philamina - 500k
Tank - 2 million
Kionney - 4 crafting tables
Banana - 1.5 million
Crash - 1 million from fishing event - 1 mil donation from Flor & 25k from Royal to NOT fish
Wump - 750k from BRP whoring