Guild News
Mufti, Mado, and Nico were all promoted to the rank of Champion.
New crafting station sets: Ancient Dragonguard, Critical Riposte, Dauntless Combatant, and Unchained Aggressor.
Past Events
Tel Var Farming - hosted by Shrimp
Wednesday Zone Clear - hosted by Jess
Thursday Dungeons/Trials - hosted by Alijah
Friday/Saturday Trials - hosted by Wump
Upcoming Events
Last night at 8PM ET - hosted by Wump (guest naughtysauce)
Today 4 PM ET - Imperial City Sewer Swim - hosted by Mado
Halloween Horror Movie Nights - Every Friday at 7PM ET in October. - hosted by Jess
Wednesday Zone Clear - hosted by Jess
Thursday Dungeons - hosted by Alijah
Saturday Trials - hosted by Wump
10/23 - 2:30 PM ET - Halloween Fashion Show - hosted by Ali
Special Thanks
A significant gold donation to the guild bank.
Harrowing Reaper Trial Dummy
2 Attunable Stations
3 Attunable Stations - Jess
1 Attunable Station - Alijah
3 Mundus Stones - Warrior, Steed, and Shadow - Fluff
New Member Introductions
Guild Discussion
The guild needs unattuned crafting stations. The next sets we will get are Order’s Wrath, Wretched Vitality, Clever Alchemist, and Daedric Trickery
We will be updating the website with bios for Champions, Guardians, High Council, and Speaker. Please send in your photos and information.
New activity requirements have been pinned in Discord.
Decided to continue doing our guild intros prior to approving an in-game request.
Champions may run events! Use the Discord calendar to schedule anything you’d like to do. Wanderers should ask a Champion, Guardian, High Council, or the Speaker to schedule it for you.
We will delay a possible Tribute Tournament because not everyone has High Isle right now. We can revisit this after the holidays.
Interest in Scavenger Hunt and Housing Contest.
Mundus Stones Needed: Apprentice, Lady, Lover, Mage, Serpent, Tower.
New @dps, @heal, @tank roles on Discord. Let someone know if you need a tag!
We are working on getting a @esopvp tag for Discord.
The Dungeon Discord channel is open mic. Feel free to raid there.