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Who are the Infernal Punks?
Infernal Punks are a Discord-based video game club established back in 2015. In 2022, after all these years... Punks are still bringing the mayhem.
As a community we play a lot of different games - but at the moment, the Punks are focused on these two PC games:
Grand Theft Auto Online - PC - Infernal Punks Motorcycle Club
Elder Scrolls Online - PC - Infernal Punks Guild
There is some slight RP involved in that you must earn your membership into our club.
You don't have to play both of these games, and you can pick a path to your membership.
Memberships are earned over a couple of weeks of activity and good behavior. Pretty easy.
Punks defend Punks, and protect the brotherhood. Punks are loyal, and fierce.
We like open world games, and competition, and working together as a group.
Punks don't fuck around.
Most of the rules are pretty simple ones, and they're all published here on our website for you to look over.
We play a lot of other modern games outside of Rockstar, so many nights are spent just hanging out as a crew, too.
We've been sponsored on the Rockstar Games Social Club Newswire twice for our Grand Theft Auto MC, and have held many community events interacting with other gaming communities for charities such as Toys for Tots, as well as competitive RnG tournaments, movie nights, and more.
So...How do new members get started?
Most of our recruitment is done in-game, via Reddit, YouTube, or recommendations from friends. You can also join our discord and reach out!


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