No, not the 1983 movie starring Matthew Broderick. who unwittingly hacks into a military supercomputer while searching for new video games and almost causes nuclear war! But if anyone was to play Matthew Broderick's character in IPMC, it would be the former National President Daniel, because he drunkenly clambered in with the idea for IPMC's WAR GAMES!
Each of Infernal Punks Motorcycle Club's charters will load up their weapons with rubber bullets and go head to head against each other to claim each other's territories that are numbered below to become IPMC War Mode Champion!

In order to claim this title, Paleto, Rancho, Del Perro and Grapeseed will need to have the most territories by the end of the event! The way to do this is to ATTACK and CLAIM other territories while also DEFENDING from other BIG BUTTS that want to take their own!
Different game modes will be selected by the defending charters in an attempt to keep what they got. These current game modes include: Classic Team Deathmatch, Capture the Faggio, Regular Team Deathmatch, and Surfination!
Will the mother charter Paleto be able to call on the strength of the YeYe hillbilly god to claim victory? Will Rancho be able to hire enough help in front of U-TOOL to stave off attackers? Will Del Perro call upon the filth infested water of the ocean? Will Grapeseed be so high that they won't even know a fight is going on? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!
It appears that back alley agreements are now possibly in play! An undercover police officer currently investigating the Infernal Punks managed to get this picture of two unidentified presidents meeting up and discussing -something- about the War Games. Is it a truce? Were they there to duel? Or are they just there to eat some Chihuahua Hotdogs?
The only thing we can speculate on is this picture!
